If you have Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer, you could be owed Compensation

Tradesmen, veterans and their families were negligently exposed to asbestos materials well into the 1990s. Whether you developed Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer yourself due to asbestos exposure or you're the surviving family of a lost loved one you could be entitled to significant compensation.

$30 Billion is Available in Trust for Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Patients

An individual diagnosed with mesothelioma lung cancer can recover from $21,875 for a Johns Manville claim to over $1,000,000 for a Western Asbestos Settlement Trust claim.

Time is Limited — Take the First Step

Fill out the form today to start the process and recover compensation as quickly as possible. Most individuals file multiple claims as they were exposed to a number of asbestos products, so the compensation is often in the millions. For immediate assistance call us at 1-800-818-9815